Monday, February 20, 2017

Stop Cussing!

I used to cuss when I was younger.  The environment I was in that included the military and the music world seemed to encourage it.  You weren't cool if you didn't cuss at least a little.

I think also that cussing was a reflection of my straying away from the church in which I grew up.  I was encouraged, often against my will to go to church every Sunday.  I was rebellious in many ways, but for much of my youth, I was not openly disrespectful of my parents.  I knew that cussing was against the teachings of God but part of my rebellion was doing things I was taught not to do.

As I grew older I began to realize that I didn't like some of the things I was doing with my life.  I knew that some of those things I had control over if only I chose to eliminate them.  Two of those things were smoking and cussing.  I made a conscious effort to stop both.  Quitting smoking was very hard but I eventually did it.  Cussing was much easier to stop and I did it right away.

Cussing is so boring to listen to.  In my way of thinking it is a stupid, mindless way of adding a stench to normal communication.  I have read that it is supposed to be an emotional release of some kind.  I think that is just plain idiotic.  I have emotions that need release and I can find acceptable words that work quite well.  The reality for me is that swearing is a lot like smoking.  When you see people who smoke, you usually see them with someone else who smokes.  It's almost like choosing friends because they have the same bad habits you do. It is a way of fitting in with the people you have chosen to associate with.  Associate with people who don't swear and the problem is solved. I, for one, am not impressed with people who cuss.  You can stop.  It is easy.  Just stop it!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Liberty vs Security Misquote

Lately, one of the variations of a famous quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin, “Those who give up liberty for security deserve neither” has been thrown around to mean things other than were originally intended. When this quote, or variations of it were first used, they did not mean giving up safety in the sense of personal safety from physical harm for freedom, in the sense of personal freedom/liberty,as some google experts would have you believe.  Largely due to ignorance there has been a rise in the use of this quote to mean that we must allow people no matter of their motives to enter our country, because to keep them out would be denying their freedom! The truth is, this quote was about taxation, not personal freedom vs personal safety.  Much like Bible quote distortions, sick people find ways for famous words to fit their sick agendas.

A contextomized quotation not only shows your ignorance (or perhaps intent), but also contributes to the continual degradation of our society by your use of increasingly bastardized and meaningless quotes. Speak what you will but use your own words. Do not misquote an extraordinary man who took part in the creation of the most powerful and prosperous nation the world has ever seen.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Kaepernick vs Brady

Tom Brady, a football player, is friends with Donald Trump. Tom Brady is not politically outspoken and has said as much. 
Colin Kaepernick is also a football player.  He is not friends with Donald Trump. He is politically outspoken and has demonstrated his political opinion.
There is no valid comparison between Tom Brady and Colin Kaepernick other than they are both football players and have different friends.

Monday, January 30, 2017

The Left's New Agenda

The whole nation is up in arms about the limitation of immigrants? This is absurd!  The liberal media and those who propagate/fund this myth are to blame for such wide coverage.  It certainly is not the general public. We are being used as pawns by the media to attempt to give the impression that everybody is upset about the new immigration limitations. Big Media Money attempts to distort reality. Don't let them frighten you into believing their lies and distortions. The left will continue a barrage of lies and distortions to fit their agenda for the next four to eight years no matter the issue.  This is their task, this is their mission in life.  Fortunately they do not hold the cards, this time.

Shake Up America

The reason I voted for Donald Trump is very simple.  We as Americans have been lied to, begged to for money, ignored, looked down at for many years by both the Republicans and the Democrats. We have a huge number of citizens on Obama phones, on food stamps and out of work.  Something like a third of our nation's working force is unemployed or underemployed.  These unemployed have little or no healthcare with ridiculously high deductibles for needed care.  This basically means you don't have healthcare if you are poor.

America needs a reset, a restart.  Politicians from both parties have failed miserably. I chose to give the outsider the chance.  He will be judged by results.